Wednesday 2 November 2016

Not a Travelling Post. Random Observation/ Thought: Embrace The Glorious Rareness That You Are and Sparkle Like A........

Sorry my favourite people.... this is not a travelling post. Don't worry, I will post one up eventually.
This is a random thought that came to me and thought I will share it :)

I find it rather funny, how we as human beings are often very accepting of our physical traits (the ones we can't change: height, length or arms/ legs, athletic, etc). Recently, I observed one woman tell another woman she isn't doing something the right way because she is short. She replied, with confidence and full of conviction, "Well, too bad! This is the best I can do, cause I am short!" (or too bad I am not athletic, strong, etc)

This observation pleasantly surprised me... hence the random thought and now this post.

However, I feel it's not the same when it comes to our mental, social or emotional traits. It's kind of weird we are not accepting of them and we usually doubt them (well, maybe more in the Asian culture?).
For example, at work, when someone says, "You are so bad at writing, or at mathematics, or you don't profile enough, or whatever else it may be"; we immediately feel that we fall short and feel dumb. We don't accept the fact that yes, we are either more of a writer, or a math person, or an introvert - hence you are not yourself when you overly profile yourself (or vice versa). We don't say, with conviction and confidence, "Well, too bad, I am more of an analytical thinker, or an artist, or I am an introvert!" (Anything at all!) - kind of sad isn't it!

We should own it! We should own our uniqueness! We should our smartness! (Everyone is smart in their own way. Just because someone is not smart in the way you perceive smart to be, that does not make them any less smart.)

Own the unique, idiosyncratic, rare self that you are! If we are all homogeneous the world will be oh so boring... *yawn* Lol!

Embrace the glorious rareness that you are and sparkle like a...... RUBY! lol (anything of your choice!) :D

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